12 альтернатив привычным вещам из пластика
zero waste альтернативы пластику Инстаграм одноразовый пластик

12 альтернатив привычным вещам из пластика

Уменьшить свой экологический след можно, отказавшись от неперерабатываемых пластиковых товаров. Recycle посмотрел Instagram-аккаунты сторонников движения Zero Waste и выбрал 12 альтернатив продуктам из одноразового пластика. 

Бамбуковая посуда для пикника

Тамблеры для горячих и холодных напитков

Многоразовые прокладки

Everyone loves a wax wrap right. Well these ones are made with 100% vegan soya wax instead of beeswax. Perfect for wrapping your fruit and snacks in. But more importantly these are a great plastic free alternative to cling film. They are handmade in Wales, UK and use locally sourced cotton. These wraps come in a pack of 3 different sizes squares in different designs. They are eco friendly, sustainable and can last you a year. So that's a whole year where you'll never need to purchase clingfilm. Totally zerowaste too. In stock now www.ecogreenrevolution.co.uk #plasticfree #plasticpollution #stoptheplastictide #saynotoplastic #waxwraps #veganwaxwraps #plasticfreeshop #zerowaste #goingplasticfree #zerowastekitchen #goingzerowaste #vegan #zerowasteuk #sustainable #zerowastelife #zerowasteliving #compostable #soyawax
Публикация от ecogreenrevolution_ (@ecogreenrevolution_)

Салфетки из сои

Стальные трубочки для напитков

Диски для снятия макияжа

Бамбуковые зубные щетки

Safety razors are back in stock and now available on their own with a pack of five blades . One of my favourite swaps so far is a safety razor. By switching from a disposable razor, you can help reduce the number going to landfill (estimated at 2 billion per year worldwide) and save money at the same time. . Check out my blog featuring your most common questions answered and my top tips. You can also see a demonstration video on my Instagram story highlights They really aren’t as daunting as they look, I promise! . Unisex Safe for underarms and bikini line Easy to operate Saves you money in the long run Close shave Recyclable blades • Replacement blades are also available online at www.thekindstoreonline.co.uk . Still have more questions...comment below and I’ll get back to you. Tash x
Публикация от The Kind Store Vegan (@thekindstoreuk)

Станки для бритья из дерева и металла

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Металлические ланчбоксы

Стальные прищепки

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